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Is the Platform You’re Using a Potential Threat to Protecting Your Trade Secrets?

Webinar | 05.13.20, 11:30 AM EDT - 12:30 PM EDT

With more employees working remotely due to COVID-19, the risk of disclosure of sensitive business information significantly increases as information is accessed outside the office. Employees are increasingly relying on video services to remain connected, but the increasing prevalence of video services does not come without problems. Join us for a discussion of the risks and tips for ensuring your company’s trade secrets are protected.

For more information, please visit these areas: Trade Secrets



Webinar | 01.28.25

The New Law on Private Investigations of 18 May 2024: Challenges, Risks, and Best Practices

In collaboration with the IBJThe Belgian law of 18 May 2024 regulating private investigations marks a significant shift in the legal landscape for employers conducting internal investigations. This comprehensive reform replaces outdated legislation and introduces stricter compliance requirements, notably impacting data privacy and HR practices. Understanding these legal requirements is essential to avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that investigations are carried out in a lawful and efficient manner. ...