Jurisdictional Analysis – Time to Trial, Favorable Courts & Other Litigation Trends
Publication | 01.18.17
Some 2016 litigation trends are new, while others continue to follow familiar patterns. The Eastern District of New York became the hotbed for antitrust complaints, while the Eastern District of Texas continues its long-established reign as the most popular court for IP litigation. The Eastern District of Virginia earned its title as the "Rocket Docket," as cases proceeded from filing to trial faster than those in any other district.
False Claims Act Litigation continues to be on the rise, with the Department of Justice trumpeting $4.7 billion in 2016 FCA recoveries. Perhaps unexpectedly, more FCA cases were filed in the District of Maryland than in any other district, but Florida is the state where the most FCA cases were filed, spread among its three federal districts.
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Index: Litigation Forecast 2017
- "Investigations – Under Pressure and Out of Time." — Kelly Curie, Kent Gardiner, Philip Inglima, Gail Zirkelbach, Angela Styles, Trina Fairley Barlow, Cari Stinebower, and Stephen Byers.
- "Jurisdictional Analysis – Time to Trial, Favorable Courts & Other Litigation Trends." — Keith Harrison.
- "Antitrust – The Return of 'Trial by Formula'?" — Chahira Solh.
- "Environment – Climate Change: Evolving Strategies and Regulatory Upheaval." — Tom Lorenzen.
- "Government Contracts – FCA Implied Certification and Materiality: Bad News, Good News." — Tully McLaughlin.
- "Intellectual Property – The Defend Trade Secrets Act: What's the Big Deal?" — Michael Songer.
- "Class Actions – Life After Class Certification." — Michelle Gillette.
- "Labor and Employment – The Spotlight Shines on Pay Equity." — Kris Meade.
- "Product Liability – Up Next: The Personal Care and Cosmetics Industry." — April Ross.
- "White Collar – The Yates Memo: Presumption of Guilt?" — Thomas Hanusik.
- "Recovery – Learning from Experience." — Deborah Arbabi.
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Proposed Rule On Protecting Bulk Sensitive Data And Its Impact On Health Care
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