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Managing Intellectual Property and World Trademark Review Recognize Crowell & Moring Brussels Intellectual Property Group

Firm News | 1 min read | 03.06.20

Brussels – March 6, 2020: Crowell & Moring has received recent awards and recognitions for its robust intellectual property work in Belgium.

On March 5, the firm received the “Belgian Firm of the Year” award for patent contentious work from Managing Intellectual Property at the Managing IP EMEA Awards 2020, an honor that “recognizes the top IP practitioners, firms and in-house counsel from around the world.”

In addition, the World Trademark Review has listed Crowell & Moring as one of the top 10 trademark firms in Belgium as part of the WTR 1000. The profile of the firm notes that “coordinating cross-border matters and handling the worldwide enforcement of its clients’ portfolios are the key strengths of Crowell & Moring.” Listed on the full rankings of individual lawyers were partners Kristof Roox and Jan-Diederik Lindemans; senior counsel Gunther Meyer; and counsel Judith Bussé. This recognition comes after Roox was featured as an IAM Global Leader and noted as being “a fierce fighter with excellent advocacy skills.”


Firm News | 2 min read | 12.12.24

Crowell’s Marc Richards and Adam Sussman Author “Patenting Inventions” Chapter for IICLE Intellectual Property Law Handbook

Chicago – December 12, 2024: Crowell partner Marc V. Richards and counsel Adam D. Sussman recently authored the lead chapter in the 2025 edition of the Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education’s Intellectual Property Law Handbook. The chapter, titled “Patenting Inventions,” covers the basics of what a patent is and what it can protect, and provides a detailed roadmap for evaluating inventions and the process to obtain a U.S. patent....