Investment Disputes and the COVID-19 Crisis - The View Ahead
Webinar | 06.04.20, 7:00 AM EDT - 8:00 AM EDT
The International Law Institute (ILI) invites you to attend a 60 minute webinar discussion by leading practitioners in the investment arbitration field on the immediate issues facing international investors and States. Past economic crises have been the source of numerous investor-State disputes, such as seen arising from Argentina's peso crisis, the 2008 recession and the Arab Spring. This webinar will look to the current global crisis and present the viewpoint of both investors and States, as well as provide an early glimpse at some of the developing issues and potential cases which may arise in the months and years to come, including:
- Claims - Standards of protection; expropriation; and,
- the umbrella clause
- Defenses, proportionality, exceptions and circumstances
- precluding wrongfulness (necessity and force majeure)
- Compensation and damages
Borzu Sabahi, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP
- Christina Beharry, Foley Hoag
- Ian A. Laird, Crowell & Moring LLP
- Jose Antonio Rivas, Xtrategy LLP
- Mallory Silberman, Arnold & Porter LLP
- Jennifer Haworth McCandless, Sidley Austin LLP
For more information, please visit these areas: International Dispute Resolution
ILI Training Team
Webinar | 01.28.25
The New Law on Private Investigations of 18 May 2024: Challenges, Risks, and Best Practices
In collaboration with the IBJThe Belgian law of 18 May 2024 regulating private investigations marks a significant shift in the legal landscape for employers conducting internal investigations. This comprehensive reform replaces outdated legislation and introduces stricter compliance requirements, notably impacting data privacy and HR practices. Understanding these legal requirements is essential to avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that investigations are carried out in a lawful and efficient manner.
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Trump Administration and What it Means for Businesses Outside the US
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What Will the New Year Bring for Government Contractors in 2025?