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Internet of Things National Institute - American Bar Association (ABA)

Webinar | 05.08.18 - 05.09.18, 8:00 PM EDT - 8:00 PM EDT


Crowell & Moring
1001 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, D.C. 20004

The Internet of Things (IOT) is defined as billions of vehicles, buildings, process control devices, wearables, medical devices, drones, consumer/business products, mobile phones, tablets, and other “smart” objects that are wirelessly connecting to and communicating with each other. This new top law practice area is raising unprecedented legal and liability issues.

Attend this ABA institute to:

  • Discover why corporate, law firm, government, university, and other attendees gave the last two IoT Institutes rave reviews, calling it “magical,” “eye-opening,” with “rock star” speakers, and overall “a grand slam.”
  • Gain insights and practical guidance on the latest legal, legislative, regulatory, and liability issues of the IoT transformation—a game-changer for businesses, policymakers, and lawyers that’s generating hundreds of billions of dollars in spending globally.
  • Explore need-to-know IoT hot topics: big data/ privacy, cybersecurity, litigation/mitigation, cloud/artificial intelligence, connected healthcare, ethics, global IoT product development and sales, insurance risk allocation, and homeland/national security.
Crowell & Moring will participate on a series of panels during the event:

  • Partner Laura Foggan will be speaking on the panel "Insuring the Technology Unknowns: Allocating Insurance Risks with IoT" on Wednesday, May 9th at 4:45 am.
  • Partner Jodi G. Daniel will be speaking on the panel "HealthTech on the Digital Frontier: Smart Pills, IoT Devices, and Connected Medical Technologies" on Thursday, May 10th at 9:00 am.
  • Partner Cheryl A. Falvey will be speaking on the panel "The Fate of the Furious: Litigation, Allocation of IoT Legal Risks, and Mitigation Strategies" on Thursday, May 10th at 1:30 pm.
Confirmed keynote address speakers include U.S. Sen. Mark Warner (VA) and U.S. Rep. Jerry McNerney (9th District of CA). For more information and to see a list of speakers and faculty, please click here.

This event is organized by the ABA’s Science & Technology Section. The chair of the SciTech Section, Crowell & Moring partner David Z. Bodenheimer, will provide opening remarks.

For more information, please visit these areas: Litigation and Trial, Product Risk Management, Insurance / Reinsurance
