Crowell Reaps Benefits of Cost Management Technology, Sees 11% PPP Growth
Press Coverage | 02.10.15
The National Law Journal speaks with Crowell & Moring chairman and Washington, D.C.-based partner, Kent A. Gardiner, about the growth and progression the firm has made in 2014. By investing in technological advances and an industry-wide recovery, Crowell & Moring reported increases in almost all of the firm's financial metrics last year. "It's partly about us and partly about the industry," said Gardiner. "We seem to be discernibly getting past the recession. We’re not in some big bounce or big rebound, but there’s solid growth at the top of the legal market." In addition to the aforementioned advancements, the firm's legal project management program, which relies on fee plans other than the billable hour, continues to help the firm retain current clients and attract new ones as well.
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