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ERISA Litigation 2008

Event | 11.07.08, 12:00 AM UTC - 12:00 AM UTC

ERISA Litigation has been on the rise. Suits involving 401(k) plans and other benefits have resulted in large scale settlements and judgments. Additionally, the Supreme Court has addressed precedent setting issues dealing with ERISA. It is therefore crucial to be apprised of the latest developments and understand how to prepare for the increasing threat of litigation.

At PLI's ERISA Litigation program, you will have the opportunity to hear form ERISA and Securities Litigation experts as well as from the Department of Labor about the latest issues.

Tom Gies is one of the panelists. He is addressing the developing Supreme Court precedent - perspectives from the front lines.

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Event | 05.14.25

"The Tide is High New Guidance on Sea-Level Rise," The Environmental Law Section

On December 5, 2024, the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) adopted the Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan (RSAP). The RSAP is a region-wide plan for the San Francisco Bay shoreline that guides the creation of coordinated, locally planned sea level rise adaptation actions that work together to achieve a regional One Bay Vision. This includes BCDC’s guidelines for how local governments must meet the requirements of SB 272, a new State mandate that requires all local governments along the shoreline to prepare a Subregional Shoreline Adaptation Plan by 2034. Jon Welner will be the moderator and will be interviewing the Executive Director of the SF Bay Conservation and Development Commission (SF BCDC), which regulates all development in or near San Francisco Bay.