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OMB Proposes a 21st Century Federal Grants Regulatory Structure

Client Alert | less than 1 min read | 02.04.13

On February 1, 2013, OMB published a proposal to consolidate eight existing OMB circulars, establishing uniform standards for administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for all grants and cooperative agreements. While OMB's primary focus appears to be on consolidating existing federal financial participation regulations, OMB also included a "cross-walk" to the current Circular A-110 identifying the proposed policy changes and updates if the proposal were adopted.


Client Alert | 3 min read | 12.13.24

New FTC Telemarketing Sales Rule Amendments

The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”)  recently announced that it approved final amendments to its Telemarketing Sales Rule (“TSR”), broadening the rule’s coverage to inbound calls for technical support (“Tech Support”) services. For example, if a Tech Support company presents a pop-up alert (such as one that claims consumers’ computers or other devices are infected with malware or other problems) or uses a direct mail solicitation to induce consumers to call about Tech Support services, that conduct would violate the amended TSR. ...