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T4D Slam Dunked To T4C When Contractor Misled

Client Alert | less than 1 min read | 07.30.04

In Divecon Services, LP, the GSBCA overturned the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s termination for default of a contract to charter a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), despite the ROV’s failure to operate properly or obtain the ultimately desired data. The board reasoned that NOAA had waived any contract completion date by (1) encouraging the contractor right up to the day of termination (the originally specified contract completion date) to incur substantial costs for ROV repair work necessary for continued contract performance, (2) failing to set a new completion date, and (3) leading the contractor during last minute negotiations to believe that agreement on a contract extension was a “slam dunk.”


Client Alert | 4 min read | 09.20.24

Department of Commerce Unveils New Tool to Inform Supply Chain Risk Mitigation

The U.S. Department of Commerce unveiled a groundbreaking analytic risk assessment tool to inform the U.S. government’s efforts in mitigating supply chain risks. Launched at the inaugural Supply Chain Summit hosted by the Department of Commerce and the Council on Foreign Relations on September 10, 2024, the SCALE Tool marks a significant milestone in the U.S. government’s broader commitment to strengthening the U.S. supply chain ecosystem. ...