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For Whom Does the Appeal Clock Toll? Vitiation vs. Finality

Client Alert | 1 min read | 01.12.16

In Guardian Angels Med. Serv. Dogs Inc. v. U.S. (Jan. 8, 2016), the Federal Circuit held that a CO's request to evaluate additional information after a default termination "vitiated the finality" of the termination and reset the 12-month appeal clock, even though the CO neither received new information nor spent any time reconsidering her decision. Reversing the CFC's dismissal of the appeal as time-barred, the court held that, when a CO "evince[s] a clear willingness to consider additional evidence," the appeal period begins anew, rather than merely being suspended, and explained that "whether the contracting officer 'spends time' considering the request is not the proper standard."


Client Alert | 10 min read | 09.24.24

ESG Opponents' Antitrust Accusations: Do They Make Sustainability Collaboration Dangerous?

Investors pursuing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) programs or applying sustainability standards have recently faced high-profile antitrust accusations, leading some to reconsider their participation in certain sustainable investment groups. On August 9, 2024, Climate Action 100+ confirmed the withdrawal of a major investor from the initiative, less than two weeks after the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives had sent information requests to more than 130 of the group’s members as part of an investigation into ESG programs. This follows numerous similar requests by the Committee since December 2022, as well as similar requests and threats of legal action against asset managers by some State Attorneys General since August 2022....