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ASBCA Reconsiders CAS 418 Definition Of "Homogeneous Cost Pools"

Client Alert | 1 min read | 03.06.07

In a decision published on February 26, 2007, the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals granted Appellant's motion for reconsideration of the widely criticized decision in AM General LLC, ASBCA Nos. 53610, 54741, 06-1 BCA ¶ 33,190, in which the Board had granted summary judgment to the Government, finding that an overhead cost pool that included some capital facilities used in production of the commercial HUMMER but was allocated to all HUMMER production did not comply with the homogeneity requirements of CAS 418 because those assets did not directly benefit production of the military version of the HUMMER. After considering the additional arguments of the contractor and of the National Defense Industrial Association as amicus curiae (represented by Crowell & Moring), the Board found that the evidence about the "homogeneity" of activities in the pool and the base at issue was insufficient to demonstrate a violation of CAS 418 and that the Government had failed even to address materiality ("a crucial test for determining homogeneity"), and for these reasons vacated its prior decision.


Client Alert | 2 min read | 09.23.24

Artificial Intelligence in Employment Update: Illinois Requires Notice and Prohibits Discriminatory Impact in Use of AI

Effective January 1, 2026, H.B. 3773 amends Article 5, Section 2 of the Illinois Human Rights Act to explicitly prohibit employers from using artificial intelligence (“AI”) for a broad swath of employment decisions, including recruitment, hiring, promotion, renewal of employment, selection for training or apprenticeship, discharge, discipline, tenure, or the terms, privileges, or conditions of employment, if such use has the effect of subjecting employees to discrimination on the basis of a protected class.  The amendment also prohibits employers from using zip code as a proxy for protected classes.  H.B. 3773 further provides that employers will be required to provide notice to employees prior to using AI for such employment-related purposes.  The law applies to any employers employing one or more employees within Illinois during 20 or more calendar weeks during the calendar year. ...