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Congress Pressures DHS To Expedite Safety Act Approvals

Client Alert | 1 min read | 10.06.06

During House Homeland Security Subcommittee hearings on DHS implementation of the SAFETY Act, C&M's David Bodenheimer testified that the new regulations (71 Fed. Reg. 33147) and application kit (available at https://www.safetyact.gov/) have simplified the process, but further improvements are needed to (1) assure confidentiality of SAFETY application data, (2) encourage breakthrough technologies, (3) synchronize procurements and SAFETY Act approvals, (4) extend the duration of protection, and (5) establish an appeals process. In these same hearings, the new DHS Under Secretary (Science & Technology) identified additional initiatives to encourage new anti-terrorism technologies by reducing the application cycle to 120 days and identifying more technologies suitable for block approvals.


Client Alert | 4 min read | 09.20.24

Department of Commerce Unveils New Tool to Inform Supply Chain Risk Mitigation

The U.S. Department of Commerce unveiled a groundbreaking analytic risk assessment tool to inform the U.S. government’s efforts in mitigating supply chain risks. Launched at the inaugural Supply Chain Summit hosted by the Department of Commerce and the Council on Foreign Relations on September 10, 2024, the SCALE Tool marks a significant milestone in the U.S. government’s broader commitment to strengthening the U.S. supply chain ecosystem. ...